Saturday, September 19, 2009

God's Love Through Suffering

"May the Lord direct your hearts into God's love and Christ's perseverance." (Thessalonians 3:5 NIV)Anyone who has a chronic illness will identify with this verse. Paul's prayer for his fellow believers conveys the picture of a policeman standing in the roadway directing cars away from danger and into safety. This safe place is to believe in and receive our Father's love; a foundational truth of our faith which covers us in the midst of our trying circumstances.Christ's perseverance was unyielding because He knew His Father loved Him. In Mark 1:11 as Jesus was being baptized the Holy Spirit descended and a voice came from heaven saying: "You are my Son, whom I love; with you I am well pleased." The Father knew all that His Son would suffer and I am convinced Jesus knew it too. This affirmation of that love propelled Jesus to finish that which was set before Him.Physically suffering does not negate the love that the Father has for us. No, we are not Christ and yes, His suffering had a real purpose, the salvation of souls. But I must be honest and say that the chronic pain I experience has brought me closer to the Lord in that I continually seek Him not only for myself but for others. I have an understanding - an empathy as it were - that comes from going through suffering. This is invaluable when it comes to reaching out to those who do not know the Christ that I know. Is it hard? Absolutely! Are there days when I cry? Yes! But I persevere and so do you, because Paul prayed a prayer for us, that the Lord would always direct our hearts into God's love and Christ's perseverance. We would love to be healed and I do pray for that, but in the meantime we rely on the Holy Spirit to continually direct us into our Father's love so that we like Jesus will finish the tasks He has set before us! ABOUT THE AUTHORCatherine Barron lives in Sheridan, Montana. She is semi retired and loves to read, write and her latest hobby outdoor photography although her first love will always be the word of God. She considers her fibromyalgia a formidable unrelenting teacher.

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