Saturday, August 15, 2009

Resting in God's Goodness

Be at rest once more, O my soul, for the LORD has been good to you." (Psalm 116:7 NIV)I was getting seriously discouraged. My bed and I were becoming too intimate, once again. You'd think after 17 years of experiencing the ebb and flow of debilitating illness, I'd get used to going through the valleys. That I'd remember it wouldn't last forever.All my mind could think about were losses. I wanted to be able to not just wash my hair or shave my legs, but be able to do both in one shower. I wanted to be able to watch a movie in its entirety instead of dividing it into three evenings. I wanted to join my family for dinner instead of laying in bed. Fear of the unknown and worry over how things would get done gripped my heart, squeezing the life out of me.I knew I needed a change. So, I hauled myself out of bed and sat on our deck. It was twilight. God's beauty assaulted my senses. Trees, grass, and tomato plants were thick with the newness that comes with early summer. The perfume of honeysuckle enveloped the breeze. Sherbet hues faded in the sky as the sun set. Children's voices drifted from the park as parents led them home to bed.How could I not see His goodness while in the midst of a setback? I was surrounded by His greatness. All the things I couldn't do over the last week faded to the back of my mind. All the fears and disappointments lost their hold on me. What remained was the belief that the God of all creation did hold me in His psalm. His goodness was there all the time. I was just blinded to it when I was too absorbed in my own pain. Even if this valley lasts for a while, I will rest in Him believing in His goodness.Prayer: Father, God, please gift us with a reminder of your greatness and goodness and love for us. We need you, now more than ever. In your name I pray, Amen. ABOUT THE AUTHORDana Kennedy is a survivor, encourager, wife and mother. She lives with POTS and CFS and fibromyalgia. Her dream is to help others traveling similar paths. She and her family make their home in Liberty, Missouri. Dana welcomes your comments at

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